
Pride encounters prejudice,upward – mobility confronts social disdain,and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity,as misconceptions and hasty judgements lead to heartache and scandal,but eventually to true understanding,self-knowledge,and love.

At the end of movie Pride and Prejudice,Elizabeth hold Darcy’s hand and whispered,”You can only call me Mrs.Darcy when you are completely,and perfectly,and incandescently happy.”

Her starry starry eyes were shining in the smooth moonlight.Mr.Darcy looked deeply into them,said with a smile,”Then how are you today,Mrs.Darcy?”

It reminded me of a verse:”Passion is a lullaby hides under the spring.”Don’t laugh at me,OK? Shh,I wrote it when I was 15 years old…Oh,Which girl will not be dreaming of a romantic love when she is in her best times of life?

But the movie is just a movie,the original novel wrote by Jane Austen is much calmer.She was sane and sober,gazing at the men and women in the little world she had built on her own.Elizabeth thought she could see people clearly, but her prejudice to Darcy was largely due to her credulity to Wickham.Darcy tried to prevent Bentley from associating with Jane, but in the end, he proposed twice before marrying the second daughter of Bennett’s family. Lady Catherine De Bourgh personally blocked Darcy’s marriage with Elizabeth, On the contrary, she led to the further communication for the young people who love each other silently.

How dramatic it is!We are not that smart as we thought ourselves.

So,we misunderstand,and quarrel,and go different ways. Thanks to God,we have the key to the true hearts——communication.

Only say it out,can we know each other well. Pride will be respect,and prejudice will fly away.